Why should you volunteer?

Volunteering with us gives you an opportunity to be part of a team that is committed to positive change in our neighbourhood. You will get a chance to build relationships with neighbours and gain new skills for personal or professional development. Volunteering is a great way to give back and support our future generations.

We are excited that you are interested in joining our volunteer team and making a difference in our community!

Board Positions

Bourkevale Community Centre is a not-for-profit organization operated by a
volunteer board of directors. The centre provides a wide range of programs and services to the community and organizes a number of special events throughout the year.

Board members provide leadership, governance, and oversight, working
collaboratively to uphold the mission and values of the community centre.

We are looking to fill the following roles. If you want to learn more, reach out to Kelly (volunteer@bourkevale.com) or please complete the application form here.

Hall Rental Coordinator 

The Hall Rental Coordinator is a volunteer board position with a time commitment of approximately 20 hours per month, including board meetings. This position requires a significant time commitment, though the workload may fluctuate each month depending on rental demand.

Playgroup Coordinator

Facilitate a casual, drop-in playtime for neighbourhood parents with babies and young children. Typically the playgroup has run Wednesdays from 9-11:00am, but there is flexibility in the timing.

Other Volunteer Positions Available

We are looking for volunteers to support with the following roles:

Events Volunteer

Register as a volunteer and we’ll reach out when we need support with events! 

Youth Volunteer Award

Bourkevale is pleased not announce a youth volunteer award in 2024.