Why should you volunteer?

Volunteering with us gives you an opportunity to be part of a team that is committed to positive change in our neighbourhood. You will get a chance to build relationships with neighbours and gain new skills for personal or professional development. Volunteering is a great way to give back and support our future generations.

We are excited that you are interested in joining our volunteer team and making a difference in our community!

Board Positions

We are currently recruiting for our board! Our board is a super fun group of individuals who are all interested in making our community better.

We are looking to fill the following roles. If you want to learn more, reach out to Kelly (volunteer@bourkevale.com).

Hall Rental Coordinator 

We are looking for someone to manage our hall rentals. Reply to inquiries, manage the rental schedule and facilitate hall showings. 

Playgroup Coordinator

Facilitate a casual, drop-in playtime for neighbourhood parents with babies and young children. Typically the playgroup has run Wednesdays from 9-11:00am, but there is flexibility in the timing.

Other Volunteer Positions Available

We are looking for volunteers to support with the following roles:

Events Volunteer

Register as a volunteer and we’ll reach out when we need support with events! 

Youth Volunteer Award

Bourkevale is pleased not announce a youth volunteer award in 2024.