Bourkevale Community Centre officially began operations in 1949. However, until 1952, the club consisted of little more than an ice rink and a small, heated skate shack
Bourkevale Community Centre is a not-for-profit organization operated by a volunteer board of directors. The centre provides a wide range of programs and services to the community and organizes a number of special events throughout the year. It is located at 100 Ferry Rd. on picturesque greenspace overlooking the Assiniboine River. Bourkevale Catchment Area can be found here.
Bourkevale is funded through a combination of City of Winnipeg operating grants and from self-generated revenue sources, including hall rentals, club programs, special events and sports registration fees. We operate largely through volunteer staff who collectively run the day-to-day operations of the club, allowing the vast majority of our resources to be used for programming, services and buildings and grounds costs. Our two ice rinks during the winter months are maintained entirely by volunteers.

Board of Directors
Daevid Ramey – President
Meggin Elliott – Vice-President
Dan Reles – Past President
Desirae Mercer – Treasurer
Richele Philippot – Secretary
Kelly Babb – Volunteer Coordinator
Robin Chase – Pickleball Convenor
Nan Colledge – Hall Rentals Coordinator
Andrew Cyr – Hockey Convenor
Marie Eely – Special Events Coordinator
Kaitlyn Gyles – Program Coordinator
Jason Kotyk – Grounds & Facilities Manager
Gavin McHale – Social Media Coordinator
Ryan Neudorf – Website Coordinator
Mary Northover-Ramey – Canteen Manager
Natasha Tairol – Soccer Convenor